
i Can handle carbon monoxide nO moRe..!!

siCk.. 'm3a el e3tezar lel sede'3'
ill ..
sore throught..
feeling an inside breakdown..
like my cells are dissolving ..
being eaten may b..
eaten by time.. by useless efforts.. by wrong habits... 'don't smoke 3ashan ma7desh mo'7oh yero7 le be3eed' !
and over all this i have 2 walk each morning
and may b each morning.. afternoon & evening
in those streets
those ones in my country .. my supposed hOme..
to inhale & inhale & inhale
muCh more
suffocating perfumes..
car fumes..
rubbish smells..
people themselves..
& not only usual doses of car fumes..
it exceeded the limits ...
carbon monoxide is filling the air!
i can feel it
& i can handle no moRe..!


Polka Dotted said...

1st salamtek
u dont smoke..maybe u should :D hehehe better than the monoxide (i dont smoke either)

well.. its gettin harder to breathe everyday..really !!!
sometimes i forget to inhale and for a second i feel its time to die... suffocation.... is in da air

(I love bein optimistic:D)

hurricane_x said...
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hurricane_x said...

reminds me of my attempt to take a deep breath in the morning thinking that I'll get fresh air...and all I get is that dose of CO+rubbish+fumes..
7aga gameela 2wy 2elsara7a!

mitar2a3 said...

although i do smoke , i totally agree
law 7ad ra7 Isma3ilia ya gama3a hat7iso bifar2 raheeb !!

hOby said...

Allah ysalemek..i should smoke fe3lan kont bafakar ana w friend of mine nan7aref b2a :D
i luv being optimistic too
wade7 :)

3la toooool beyeb2a nefsy a'7od that deep breath! el yomeen dool aslan nefsy a3od 3al ba7r 3ashan a3raf a'7od that rare breath..

ismailia .. alex .. ay 7etta feha ba7r w hawa nedeef :)

al7mdulellah ba2et a7san keteer.. thnx.. ana ba2a ba2et mashya bel mandeel 3la my nose. w bafakar serioulsy as2al 3la el kemama w anbobet oxygen amshy behom :D