posted on 10th of june 2006..
i was watching 2day the opening cermony of the world cup Germany.. actually i was dazzled by the organization of such an event it was great.. the music, the performers, the audiences everything was just PERFECT! simplicity was a main title along wiz creativity 4 sure.. i liked it very much when they brought the teams who formly won the cup and honoring the famous players it was very touchy and smart act.. i also liked gedan those girls expressing different cultures -elly kano metsha3la2eeen fel hawa:)- i don know why i couldn't help remembering the opening cermony of the african cup that was held in sweetie egypt! it was yucks!! really yucks! remember all those -go3rans- zay maykono fata7o bala3ah ! there was no design, no arrangment no everything! and the most they done is that they brough -ya 3eny- 3asaker el amn el markazy and tala2ohom fel stadium! wala eh today the president of germany went down 2 the stadium told his SPEECH and welcomed people very nicely! remember beta3na -el 3aziz- he was standing after this bullet proof glass wall so elegantly actually and also told his SPEECH! -besm allah el ra7man el ra7eem aftate7 el botalah! yaa mo3abera motaqana! w eh he was reading it from a paper! yalla rabena yenagena w eyaksh tewla3 3la ra2y wa7ed blogger wla ana wla enta ne3rafO !
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